1459 จำนวนผู้เข้าชม |
Health insurance worldwide coverage area
The policy composed of Life insurance (Khumkrong Talot Chip 99/99) and health insurance rider named Mao Chai Extra Campaign (N = New Health Standard) Plan 3 (100:0 D0 R4,000 L500,000) Coverage for cancer, kidney disease, critical illnesses, common diseases, epidemics and accidents
Room benefit 4,000 per day
Medical expenses maximum benefit of 500,000 per any inpatient hospitalization
Worldwide coverage area
Without deductible
OPD coverage for major and minor surgery
OPD coverage for injury from an accident within 24 hours
1. Life Insurance Premium
99/99 sum insured 50,000.00
premium 830.00 Baht
2. Premium of Health Rider
Mao Chai Extra Campaign Plan 3 (100:0 D0 R4,000 L500,000). premium 15,700.00 Baht
- Lum sum 500,000 Baht per hospitalization
- with room rate 4000 Baht per day
- without deductible
3. Accident Rider Plan A (Life coverage from accidental incidence 100,000) premium 250.00 Baht
This premium varies based on increasing age range. The Company shall notify in writing at least 30 days in advance via registered mail or other method approved by the insured, and the insured has the right to not renew this rider.
Summary of premium payment and mode of premium payment FOR MALE AGE 40
- Mode of life insurance premium payment Annually Mode of rider premium payment Annually
- Initial premium payment equals 16,780.00 Baht
(composed of life insurance premium 830.00 Baht and Rider premium 15,950.00 Baht)
Coverage of Mao Chai Extra Campaign (N) Plan 3 (100:0 D0 R4,000 L500,000)
This contract is an individual rider which is attached to and regarded as a part of the insurance policy. The benefit of this rider shall be paid when the insured has injury or illness after the waiting period with medical necessity to receive medical treatment at the hospital. The Company shall pay the following benefit for
the expenses which arise from medical treatment based on medical necessity and medical standard according to normal service fee rate for the items stated in
the benefit schedule in accordance with the actual expense but not exceeding the benefit specified in the benefit schedule of this rider.
Remark :
- The Company shall provide coverage for treatment expenses as stated in the benefit schedule for the insured with worldwide coverage area
Ask for your Premium or Any question :
Napatcha Pongwattanakitkul, CFP®, MDRT2021-2023
Line ID : napatcha0088
or click here https://line.me/ti/p/S4ZgdTCQoS
Waiting Period
(a) Not cover any illness which incurs within 30 days from the effective date or the latest date of renewal of the rider, whichever is the latest.
(b) Not cover any illness due to the following diseases or abnormality (including its complications) which incurs within 120 days from the effective date
or the latest date of renewal of the rider, whichever is the latest.
1. Tumors, cysts, or all types of cancer
2. Hemorrhoids
3. All types of hernia
4. Pterygium or cataract
5. Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy
6. All types of stone
7. Varicose vein
8. Endometriosis
In case the Company approves to increase benefits, the Company shall not provide coverage for the increased benefits only. Conditions of the waiting period shall not be applied if the insured has injury or emergency surgery which is not caused by pre-existing conditions.
Pre-existing Condition
The Company shall not pay benefit under this rider for chronic disease, illness (including complications) or injury that is not cured before the effective date of this rider, unless
1) The insured has declared to the Company’s acknowledgment and the Company agrees to accept the risk without imposing exclusions to the coverage, or 2) Chronic disease, injury or illness (including its complications) is asymptomatic and has not been treated or diagnosed by a physician, or has not been seen
or consulted a physician within 5 years before the initial effective date of this rider, and within 3 years from the initial effective date of this rider.
Ask for your Premium or Any question :
Please do not hesitate to add me
Napatcha Pongwattanakitkul, CFP®, MDRT2021-2023
Life Insurance Advisor and Muangthai Life Manager
Life Insurance License No. 5401078254
Securities Investment License No. 086641
Line ID : napatcha0088
or click here https://line.me/ti/p/S4ZgdTCQoS
Disclaimer: This English translation is intended for reference only. The Thai version shall be the only legally binding version. In the event of discrepancy between the Thai version and the English translation, the Thai version shall always prevail.